Dr. David Stebbins Retires
After much contemplation and with mixed emotions, I have decided to retire from my 39-year career of practicing dentistry. It has been an honor and a privilege to provide you with your dental care, and I am deeply grateful for your trust and loyalty. I am proud of the professional growth I have experienced and the exceptional dentistry I have delivered, and I cherish all the relationships I have formed through the years.
In 1986, after my residency, Gayle and I moved to Norwalk where I started my dental career and where we started our family. We raised our two daughters and son in Wilton, and they have graced us with 6 grandchildren, all under the age of 4. We look forward to spending more time having fun with them! We recently moved to our home in Meredith, New Hampshire and look forward to spending our winters in Naples, Florida. Lots of golf, beach, boating, travel, friends, and family!
Dr. Andrew Ronan has been my associate since 2021. Many of you have already met him. Dr. Ronan grew up in Wilton and has recently moved back there with his wife Kate and two children, Mallory 4 and Ben 2. He has proven to be capable, talented, and caring, and is passionate about providing the same exceptional dentistry that I have always strived to provide. He is a friendly, affable young man who shares my philosophy and approach to dentistry and has a great chairside manner, and I am confident in his ability to fill my shoes! I am transferring ownership of the practice to Dr. Ronan this month. He will be seeing patients 5 days per week.
For the past two years, Dr. Ronan has been seeing patients 4 days per week while I have been scheduled 2 days per week. To facilitate the transition, I will continue to see patients 3 days per month for the near future and will continue to be available to Dr. Ronan to consult on treatment planning. Gayle will be working remotely to assist with transitioning administrative responsibilities. The staff, many of whom have been working with me for quite some time, will remain unchanged. Renee will be our new office manager. Ashley will continue to coordinate patients and help with insurance, assisted by Daisy who will spend most of her time at the front desk, but is also a dental assistant and will work in the treatment rooms when needed. Maureen and Jonathan, our talented hygienists, will continue to provide you with their exceptional care. And Zaira and Carmen will continue to assist Dr. Ronan and Dr. Stebbins. This is the dream team that makes the office a caring and comfortable place to be! I would not have enjoyed my success without the support and dedication of my staff throughout my career. I will be forever grateful.
I have loved being a dentist and look back fondly and with great satisfaction on my career. I thank you for all your kindness and support and wish you well for the future.
David R. Stebbins, DMD